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The bronchial tree
Science & Engineering
Health & Medicine
Human Anatomy And Physiology
Lecture List
Lub dub
Thermoregulation in the circulatory system
Layers of the heart
Lub dub
Preterm labor
Diabetes in pregnancy
Uterine inversion
Postpartum hemorrhage
Sheehan syndrome
Blood conditions in pregnancy
UTIs in pregnancy
Placenta accreta
Placental abruption
Placenta previa
Postpartum physiology
Pregnancy physiology I
Diagnosis of pregnancy
Breast anatomy and lactation
Labor (parturition)
Maternal changes in pregnancy
Reproductive cycle graph - Luteal phase
Reproductive cycle graph - Follicular phase
Meet the placenta!
The ovarian cycle
Basics of egg development
Transport of sperm via erection and ejaculation
Anatomy of the male reproductive system
Welcome to the reproductive system
What is actually in lymph
Lipid and protein transport in the lymphatic system
The lymphatic system's role in immunity
How lymphatic vessels move fluid
Why we need a lymphatic system
Thermoregulation by muscles
Pain and temperature
Ruffini's Ending and Hair Follicle Receptor
Pacinian's Corpuscle and Merkel's Disk
Overview of Sensation and Meissner's Corpuscle
LeBron Asks: Why does sweating cool you down?
What's in sweat? (Holocrine, Apocrine, Merocrine Glands)
Where do our nails and hair come from?
What lies beneath the epidermis? (Dermis and Hypodermis)
What is skin? (Epidermis)
Meet the skin! (Overview)
Cellular mechanism of hormone action
Types of hormones
Hormone concentration metabolism and negative feedback
The hypothalamus and pituitary gland
Endocrine gland hormone review
Ligaments, tendons, and joints
Skeletal endocrine control
Cellular structure of bone
Microscopic structure of bone - the Haversian system
Skeletal structure and function
Thermoregulation by muscles
Autonomic vs somatic nervous system
Muscle innervation
Calcium puts myosin to work
Type 1 and type 2 muscle fibers
Neuromuscular junction, motor end-plate
Motor neurons
Three types of muscle
Anatomy of a skeletal muscle cell
Role of the sarcoplasmic reticulum in muscle cells
How tropomyosin and troponin regulate muscle contraction
Myosin and actin
Cerebral cortex
Somatosensory tracts
Upper motor neurons
Autonomic nervous system
Muscle stretch reflex
Peripheral somatosensation
Motor unit
Functions of the nervous system
Structure of the nervous system
Types of neurotransmitter receptors
Types of neurotransmitters
Neuronal synapses (chemical)
Synapse structure
Saltatory conduction in neurons
Electrotonic and action potentials
Correction to sodium-potassium pump video
Sodium-potassium pump
Overview of neuron function
Overview of neuron structure
Anatomy of a neuron
Introduction to neural cell types
Control of the GI tract
Colon, rectum, and anus
Endocrine pancreas
Exocrine pancreas
Biliary tree
Hepatic lobule
Small intestine 3: Absorption
Small intestine 2: Digestion
Small intestine 1: Structure
Meet the gastrointestinal tract!
Blood cell lineages
Inflammatory response
How white blood cells move around
Self vs. non-self immunity
Clonal selection
Review of B cells, CD4+ T cells and CD8+ T cells
Cytotoxic T cells
Helper T cells
Professional antigen presenting cells (APC) and MHC II complexes
B lymphocytes (B cells)
Types of immune responses: Innate and adaptive, humoral vs. cell-mediated
Role of phagocytes in innate or nonspecific immunity
Bohr effect vs. Haldane effect
Coagulation cascade
How do we make blood clots?
Oxygen content
Fetal hemoglobin and hematocrit
Hemoglobin moves O2 and CO2
Life and times of RBCs and platelets
Blood cell lineages
Blood types
Red blood cells
What's inside of blood?
Secondary active transport in the nephron
The kidney and nephron
Countercurrent multiplication in the kidney
Changing glomerular filtration rate
Glomerular filtration in the nephron
Kidney function and anatomy
Meet the kidneys!
The lungs and pulmonary system
Thermoregulation in the lungs
How does lung volume change?
Inhaling and exhaling
The bronchial tree
People and plants
Meet the lungs
Circulatory system and the heart
Arteries, arterioles, venules, and veins
Arteries vs. veins - what's the difference?
Thermoregulation in the circulatory system
Layers of the heart
Lub dub
Two circulations in the body
Flow through the heart
Meet the heart!